Tag Archives: middle east

British PM Calls for End of Anti-Israel BDS Movement

From Behold Israel: After winning the election in England last week, the administration of newly elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to pass a law that combats the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) movement. The BDS movement has been … Continue reading

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Female Activist Executed

From The Muslim Times: TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) – The Thefreethoughts Twitter account and other Saudi sources said the female, named as Esra al-Ghamgam, was executed on the prosecutor’s orders on Sunday.

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Mom Detained In UAE For Drinking Wine

From The Daily Wire: According to The Daily Mail, Dr. Ellie Holman, a 44-year-old Swedish dentist living in the U.K., was traveling to see friends on one of her many trips to the United Arab Emirates when she was offered … Continue reading

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TX Jury Gives Man Death Penalty For “Honor” Killings

From The Daily Wire: After jurors endured seven weeks of testimony, they delivered a death sentence Tuesday for a Jordanian immigrant who committed two honor killings in 2012 in a plot to get revenge for his daughter converting to Christianity … Continue reading

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Family Speaks About Mutilated Kurdish Soldier

From Fox News: Ahmed said that his sister, whose real name was Amina Omar, joined the YPG as a fighter after the genocide and capture of thousands of Yazidi women by ISIS in neighboring Iraq’s Sinjar Mountain. The family helped … Continue reading

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Translator: Syrian Immigrants To Europe Preaching Hatred

From The Daily Mail: The Arabic speaker worked in a number of asylum centres across the country and went undercover to discover migrants were preaching ‘pure hatred’ about non-Muslims and women were planning to have more children to ‘destroy Christians’. … Continue reading

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Famous Female Kurdish Fighter KIA

From The Daily Mail: A woman fighter dubbed the ‘Kurdish Angelina Jolie‘ for her resemblance to the Hollywood superstar has died fighting ISIS, it has been claimed. Asia Ramazan Antar was among the ranks of the all-female Women’s Protection Units … Continue reading

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Syrian City Freed From ISIS Control

From BBC: US-backed Kurdish and Arab fighters fought 73 days to drive IS out of Manbij, close to the Turkish border. Another woman thanked the fighters that had set them free: “You are our children, you are our heroes, you … Continue reading

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Turkey’s Failed Coup Means More Islamization

From Fox News: Friday night’s failed coup was Turkey’s last hope to stop the Islamization of its government and the degradation of its society.  Reflexively, Western leaders rushed to condemn a coup attempt they refused to understand. Their reward will … Continue reading

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Palestinian TV Teaches Kids To Kill


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