Tag Archives: britain

Muslim Rape Victims Accused Of Racism

From Gatestone Institute: An increasingly popular idea is that whenever races clash, only minorities can be victims. The notion is hardly limited to the recent riots in America. Elements of such thinking often appear in other contexts. British women, for … Continue reading

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UK To Stop Using “Islamist Terrorism”

From Clarion Project: Britain’s National Association of Muslim Police (NAMP) want law enforcement to drop the term “Islamist terrorism” and “jihadis.” Their proposal offers alternative language including “faith-claimed terrorism,” “terrorists abusing religious motivations” and “adherents of Osama bin Laden’s ideology,” when … Continue reading

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Mosque Attack Was Result Of Shia/Sunni Hostility

From DC Clothesline: In any case, the Sunni-Shi’ite jihad, having been fought for fourteen centuries in Muslim countries, has now come to diverse Britain. How far gone is Britain? This far gone: the non-Muslims are aware of Sunni-Shia hostility, and fear the … Continue reading

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British PM Calls for End of Anti-Israel BDS Movement

From Behold Israel: After winning the election in England last week, the administration of newly elected Prime Minister Boris Johnson has vowed to pass a law that combats the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) movement. The BDS movement has been … Continue reading

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Islamists Kill and PM Wants To Crackdown On Internet

From David Wood: https://youtu.be/MmWJMuC_Jx8

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British Muslim Supports Assassinating Pamela Geller

From Fox News: https://youtu.be/m3xuj-aJyaE

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Christians Walk Through “Muslim Area” In Britain

From Western Journalism: Kern contends the Muslims are setting up enclaves in the UK where non-Muslims are harassed by Muslims. “Extremist Muslim preachers — sometimes referred to as the Tower Hamlets Taliban — have issued death threats to women who … Continue reading

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Muslims Force Out Sikh Principle in England

From The New York Times: …in January, Mr. Bains stepped down as the principal of the Saltley School and Specialist Science College, saying he could no longer do the job in the face of relentless criticism from the Muslim-dominated school board. … Continue reading

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Plot To Islamisize British Schools Revealed

From The Telegraph: The verdicts of the Ofsted reports are almost certain to mean that Tahir Alam, the hardline Muslim Council of Britain activist accused of being the “Trojan Horse” plot’s ringleader, is removed from his roles as chairman of … Continue reading

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Pat Condell: I’m Offended By Muslims

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