Tag Archives: islamists

Female Activist Executed

From The Muslim Times: TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) – The Thefreethoughts Twitter account and other Saudi sources said the female, named as Esra al-Ghamgam, was executed on the prosecutor’s orders on Sunday.

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Islamists Release On Bail Because Of Their Religion

From The National Sentinel: Two Muslim men and three women are charged with 11 counts of child abuse each after police raided their compound in New Mexico and discovered 11 malnourished children living in squalor. Their lawyer argued that there was a … Continue reading

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TX Jury Gives Man Death Penalty For “Honor” Killings

From The Daily Wire: After jurors endured seven weeks of testimony, they delivered a death sentence Tuesday for a Jordanian immigrant who committed two honor killings in 2012 in a plot to get revenge for his daughter converting to Christianity … Continue reading

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New Mexico Extremist In Country Illegally

From Fox News: One of five suspects arrested at an “extremist Muslim” compound in northern New Mexico is originally from Haiti — and has lived in the U.S. illegally for more than 20 years, federal officials said Wednesday.

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Islamists Training In New Mexico

From Townhall: Thirty-nine year old Siraj Wahhaj was arrested at a New Mexico compound on Friday after authorities discovered 11 starving children, three women and another man living together in squalor. The children range in age from 1-to-15 years old. … Continue reading

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Deadly Ramadan

From Breitbart News: Islamic extremists killed more than 1,620 people during this year’s holiest month for Muslims, marking one of the deadliest Ramadans in modern history, reveals a Breitbart News tally.

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Islamists Kill and PM Wants To Crackdown On Internet

From David Wood: https://youtu.be/MmWJMuC_Jx8

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Syrian City Freed From ISIS Control

From BBC: US-backed Kurdish and Arab fighters fought 73 days to drive IS out of Manbij, close to the Turkish border. Another woman thanked the fighters that had set them free: “You are our children, you are our heroes, you … Continue reading

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Radical Mosques Funded By Saudi Government

From JihadWatch: Four separate studies since 1999 all found that 80% of U.S. mosques were teaching jihad, Islamic supremacism, and hatred and contempt for Jews and Christians. There are no countervailing studies that challenge these results. In 1998, Sheikh Muhammad … Continue reading

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British Muslim Supports Assassinating Pamela Geller

From Fox News: https://youtu.be/m3xuj-aJyaE

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