Tag Archives: western civilization

CAIR Founder Doesn’t Want Muslims To Assimilate

From News With Views: Omar Ahmad, stated “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any faith, but to become dominate. The quran, the muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and islam the only accepted … Continue reading

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Muslim Beats Policeman Walks, While Tommy Robinson Is In Prison For Filming

From Breitbart: Sergeant Rooney had told the court how the attack had left his face so badly damaged that his children would not walk to school with him, and claimed he had been left with post-traumatic stress. Nevertheless, despite the violent … Continue reading

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Amil Imani: Islam Incompatible With Liberty

From News With Views: As Islam repelled me, something about America attracted me like a powerful magnet. It was the heart and soul of America. It is called liberty. Liberty embodies the most precious treasures of humanity by encompassing seven … Continue reading

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Muslim Woman In Australia Falsely Accuses Police Of “Racism”

From Australia:

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Islamists in Sweden Attacking Jews


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Islamization Explained

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