Ethiopian Muslims Burn Down Five Churches, More Attacks Feared

“In the past two days, thousands of Muslims have razed five churches and the homes of two evangelists in Asendabo, Ethiopia. Christian leaders are asking for protection after the Muslim attackers continued burning churches even after the federal police were sent to the town.

The Muslims started the attacks yesterday after falsely accusing the Christians of desecrating the Qur’an. More than ten thousand Muslims shouted “Allah Akbar” (Allah is great) as they burned down five evangelical churches. The government sent the federal police force to protect the Christians after the Muslims burned down the first three churches. The Muslims overwhelmed the police force and burned down two more churches today.

Speaking with ICC, Christian leaders expressed their fear that Muslims will start killing the Christians unless the government sends more security forces to contain the Muslim attackers.

Ethiopia is a Christian majority country and was one of the first nations to accept Christianity. However, in the areas of the country where Muslims are the majority, Christians face attacks.”

Developing: Ethiopian Muslims Burn Down Five Churches, More Attacks Feared

“Ethiopia is a Christian majority country and was one of the first nations to accept Christianity. However, in the areas of the country where Muslims are the majority, Christians face attacks.”

This is not about Christianity battling Islam – the group could have been Hindu, Buddhist, or Atheist and they could still be attacked by Muslims simply for not being Islamic (or the right flavor of Islam).

These attacks illustrate one of the reasons for valid concern and alarm about the growth of Islam: in country after country the pattern has been that once Muslims grow in numbers until they are no longer a minority the attacks and oppression begin.

It is a valid concern, based on a long history of such violence in other countries, that Americans will begin to experience this for themselves if areas of the US become predominantly Muslim.

It is not Islamophobia, because phobias are irrational, and this concern is completely rational: it’s based on a long, long history of Islamic oppression and violence.

It is not hate, either. Protecting yourself from a violent ideology is not hate. Resisting a toxic religion is not hate, it’s standing up for your own values against a force that intends to dominate. Accusations of hate and bigotry are just strategies to distract people and bully them into not standing firm, but to give way to followers of Islam as they shove Sharia into our nation.

If they keep you from speaking up, objecting to Islam, because you are afraid, then they have forced you to submit to Sharia law, which does not allow any criticism of Islam.

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