State Dept Condemns Stoning by Taliban

From: US Department of State

U.S. Strongly Condemns Stoning Of Woman

Philip J. Crowley
Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Public Affairs
Washington, DC

September 28, 2010

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the brutal stoning of a woman in Orakzai, Pakistan, allegedly by members of the Pakistani Taliban, which is depicted in a video circulating on the internet.

This vicious attack, carried out as a crowd of onlookers watched, violates all norms of human decency and is a chilling example of the cowardly disregard violent extremists have for human life. There is no justification for such barbaric and cruel treatment of a fellow human being.

Gee, I hope those raciest xenophobes over at the State Dept. realize what a can of worms they are opening by making a rash statement like this. I mean they aren’t just condemning the act, they are “strongly” condemning the act. This might incite violence against the military.

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