Islam like a pushy vacuum cleaner salesman

by Citizen Warrior: “There are many ways to wage jihad. All of them must be stopped — without racism or hatred.”

“Most of us are used to dealing with people who will not exploit our “niceness.” We deal with fair, considerate people almost all the time, and our ways of dealing with fair people work very well.

But here’s what we all have to learn sooner or later: For people who ignore your signals and keep pushing, you had better develop a different approach — an approach with more firmness and strength, an approach that protects yourself and defends your interests.

The same goes for dealing with aggressive vacuum-cleaner salesmen. Have they ever come to your door? If you show the slightest interest, you’ll be stuck talking to them until you say yes. They are relentless, and to deal with it, you had better be firm.

Islam operates much the same, except on a much larger scale with a political agenda. Islam is pressing for concessions constantly, trying to find the weaknesses, trying to find the cracks, the loopholes, and it will keep pushing until it accomplishes its goal: A world in which every country is ruled by Shari’a law.

This is not one of those problems that will go away by itself. It is up to us to be firm. They are not going to stop on their own. They must be stopped by us.”

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